BCBF 2018 - Appunti disordinati 2

Bologna Children's Book Fair 2018 - Bologna Illustrators Exhibition: i miei preferiti.

Fotografie scattate il 26 marzo del 2018 (ritrovate  e pubblicate il 15 dicembre 2020).

 FRANZISKA BLINDE, Germania, Thomas Bernhard - Frost. 

@Franziska Blinde, Frost. Digital, Fiction - Under 35
@Franziska Blinde, Frost. Digital, Fiction - Under 35

KYOUNG MI AHN, Korea, progetto The Raven.

@Kyoung mi  Ahn, The Raven.  Mixed Media, Fiction

• SARA GUERRA RUSCONI, Svizzera, Mamma Balena.

@Sara Guerra Rusconi - Mother Whale . Etching on zinc, aquatint. Fiction

AYANE SATO, Giappone, The story about the shape-shifting cat and the traveling brother and sister.

Lithograph, coloured pencil - Fiction Under 35
Lithograph, coloured pencil - Fiction Under 35

LAURA MENIS, Italia, Le avventure di Daineo - The Adventures of Daineo

@Laura Menis, Mixed Media. Fiction - Under 35
@Laura Menis, Mixed Media. Fiction - Under 35
@Laura Menis, Mixed Media. Fiction - Under 35

 FILIPE ABRANCHES, illustratore e fumettista, Portogallo. Tavole tratte dal libro 
Alexandre Serpa Pinto. O Sonhador da África Perdida .
Filipe Abranches Facebook

@Filipe Abranches - Indian Ink on paper, digital media. Non Fiction. 
@Filipe Abranches - Indian Ink on paper, digital media. Non Fiction. 

• JULIEN CHUNG, Canada con Hurry Up!/ Depeche-toi! 

@Julien Chung , Hurry up! Digital Media, Fiction.
@Julien Chung , Hurry up! Digital Media, Fiction
@Julien Chung , Hurry up! Digital Media, Fiction
